A market counter dynamic pricing device
MUTO-21 is a speculative design that envisions an open-market vendor interaction in a future where computer vision has become a broadly accessible, familiar technology to the general population.
In this future, the lines between personal and public data is blurred, with formerly unprecedented amounts of private citizen’s digital fingerprint accessible in public domains. The societal messaging surrounding personal data is one of “Increased transparency = Increased accountability.”
In this future, the lines between personal and public data is blurred, with formerly unprecedented amounts of private citizen’s digital fingerprint accessible in public domains. The societal messaging surrounding personal data is one of “Increased transparency = Increased accountability.”
Digital data collection and processing has infiltrated every corner of public life --even utilized in the traditionally analog, untechnological setting of a market vendor counter.MUTO21 aims to provoke us to ask questions about the current trajectory of big data, people’s digital fingerprint, and our relationship with the data we produce.
The project was developed during the course DESINV2: Designing Emerging Technologies in the Master of Design program at UC Berkeley.
The project was developed during the course DESINV2: Designing Emerging Technologies in the Master of Design program at UC Berkeley.
Electronics, Digital Fabrication, Sensors and Cameras, Computer Vision
Designer, Creative Technologist, Creative Director
Adam Huth, David Zhou, Peipei (Penny) Lin, Georgios Grigoriadis
Computer Vision, DeepFace, Maxon Cinema4D, Rhino3D, Adobe Creative Suite, Fablight Laser Cutters, Metal Shop, Raspberry Pi